We offer rapid examination and treatment for pain, itching, ear discharge, ear pressure or blocked ear.
We perform hearing tests for sudden hearing loss or chronic hearing impairment:
Ringing in the ears / tinnitus
If you have acute or chronic ringing in the ears / tinnitus, you will find detailed clarification, advice and treatment with us.
We have state-of-the-art infrastructure at our disposal for the clarification of acute and chronic dizziness.
Diving clearance
We can carry out the necessary tests for you for confirmation of your fitness to dive.
If you suffer from impeded nasal breathing or a runny nose, we can offer you an accurate endoscopic examination, detailed advice and various different conservative treatments. If an operation is necessary, you will be referred to an experienced surgeon of your choice.
Paranasal sinuses
We treat acute or chronic sinusitis after a precise endoscopic examination with various proven drugs. If necessary, we book X-ray examinations in neighbouring X-ray institutions. If an operation is necessary, you will be referred to an experienced surgeon of your choice.
Snoring / sleep apnoe
Do you snore or do you have nightly breathing pauses (obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome)? We can show you the bottlenecks in the nasopharyngeal area on-screen and advise you of possible therapies.
Clarification is often supplemented with a sleep apnoea screening device, with which you can measure the nightly oxygen level in the blood at home.
In many cases, an individually adapted Velumount mouth brace may solve snoring by narrowing the roof of the mouth area.
BWith swelling or pain in the face or throat pain, apartfrom a detailed clinical examination, if requireed we carry out checks, by means of endoscopy or ultrasound.
We have a great deal of experience in the investigation and treatment of facial paralysis.
With pain, the urge to cough or sensation of a lump in the throat, we can mirror the entire upper respiratory and digestive tracts with the camera and show you the image on the screen.
This system also enables a detailed examination in the event of swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).
Ultrasound is used to examine throat swelling, the large salivary glands and the size and structure of the thyroid gland. If necessary, cells can be removed for further investigation by means of fine-needle aspiration.
If necessary, complex cases can be further investigated and dealt with thanks to good collaboration with proven colleagues from other disciplines and with the surrounding tertiary hospitals.
Dr. med. Sandra Cavero (-Vanek) Schmidgasse 3
6300 Zug
041 710 30 72